Additional Equipment

While you can use this site individually just from your phone with some headphones, you can also present it on a screen and speakers for a larger audience.

What's more, you can also connect stage/disco lighting for a super immersive experience!

If you have access to a laptop (or Chrome Book) you can connect a TV or projector to your laptop's HDMI output to display the content on the screen.

We recommend sound output that has a good bass, so you can also connect the laptop (or projector) to a bluetooth speaker with a good subwoofer (for example JBL 310).

You can attach a disco light to your computer to enhance your workout experience. You will need a DMX USB bridge, and optionally a DMX cable. You can purchase the USB bridge here. You can purchase the DMX cable from here.

Then purchase a light from this link. Once you receive it and plug it in, ensure it's in 'DMX Mode' by pressing the button at the back once.

Once you have connected these to your laptop's USB, you must install the driver (select based on type of laptop). Then go to the menu on the website and select "Connect Lighting", and select the device. Once applied, play a song and it should activate the lights synchronized with the music (works on latest Chrome on Windows).

You can also chain together lighting to better illuminate larger spaces and really fill the room! Just purchase another DMX cable, another light, and connect them together, putting the second one in "slave" mode.

Note: Be careful not to shine the laser light directly into anyone's eyes! Important: These are made by third party vendors and we do not accept any responsibility for their quality or fitness for use. Use at your own risk!!

If you have any problems with sound synchronization during playback, click the "Sync" button on the bottom right corner. This toggles on or off a delay in the audio vs the visual which can be required for certain speakers where there is latency.

Next Topic: Arm Movement